Brita Hauser | Associate, Architect

Brita is an Architect with over 10 years of professional experience in the field and a background in fine arts. During her time at NewStudio, Brita has touched a breadth of retail and residential projects at various scales throughout their development, from the initial stages of surveying and code analysis through construction administration. Brita enjoys learning from, and finding solutions to, the challenges presented in all phases of the design process. 

While in graduate school, Brita traveled to Biloxi, Mississippi to collaborate with the Gulf Coast Community Design Studio, sparking her interest in community-based design, sustainability, and affordable housing.

Favorite Office Supply:
Sticky notes—the big ones

If I Was Stranded On An Island, The One Thing I’d Take With Me:
A volleyball

Most Memorable Office Adventure
(So Far):

Curling—I’m from Minnesota, but I never knew sweeping the ice was so much fun!


Brita Hauser, Associate, Architect


M. Arch., College of Design, University of Minnesota

Dual B.A. in History and Studio Arts, University of Minnesota