Grant Simons | Designer

Grant’s grandfather led tours of the Pabst Mansion in Milwaukee and shared his love of history and architecture with his grandson. “Working in architecture has been a dream of mine since I was very young, maybe ten years old,” Grant says. He eventually double-majored in architecture and urban studies to embrace both of his interests in building design and community planning.

“Traveling to Oslo, Norway, to study architecture affirmed my passion,” Grant adds. “Now I want to learn more about fifteen-minute cities, like Copenhagen, where residents can walk or bike within fifteen minutes to every service or retailer for their basic needs.”

NewStudio’s restoration projects are especially appealing for Grant. “Revitalizing spaces considers all aspects of use, from the big picture to the fine details. Everyone at NewStudio has a forward-thinking mindset to create lasting connections to spaces. There’s a respect for history and context. I also like the hands-on approach here—that workshop in the basement hooked me from the start!”

Favorite Office Supply:

When I’m Not At NewStudio, I’m:
Building stuff, biking, skiing, or generally trying to get outside

Most Cherished Item:
My espresso machine

If I Could Have Dinner With Anyone, It Would Be:
Alan Watts. He was an all-around intellectual who was curious about anything and everything. He had a great desire to learn about how and why humans are the way they are, and I relate to that.



Bach. of Design in Architecture, University of Minnesota

B.S. Urban Studies, University of Minnesota